Worcester County Memorials has Rock of Ages Granites for the most beautiful and enduring monuments

New England Monument Dealers Association

Cemetery Services

Cemetery Lettering

When Worcester County Memorials receives a request for engraving, we send one of our Cemetery Services staff out to take a tracing of the memorial.  This is the first step and a very important one.  We need to determine the size, font and type used on the prior engravings - we match, as closely as we can, to the existing engraving.

Engraving a memorialMatching old hand cut V/sunk letters require craftsmen who are talented in the use of hand tools.  This is the way the original letters were inscribed and new letters should be done to match.   We work with engravers who each have over 20 years of experience.

After the impression is taken, a computer-generated rendering is created for your approval.  We can either mail or email this to you, and ask that you pay close attention to dates and spelling.  This is what our engravers will use to create a stencil to sandblast the new engraving, and it is not easy to fix a mistake made because the information wasn’t reviewed properly.  We require a signature on this form from the authorized owner/relative of this lot, and full payment, before we will move forward.

You may either use the form attached to fill out your request, or contact us at our facility.  Since all cemeteries have rules and procedures for contractors working there, any assistance you can give us is always appreciated.  We will need the family name on the monument, location, information to be added, and contact information for signatures and billing. We consider it an honor to be able to assist you in this way, and we will do all we can to help.

Before and After Photos of Memorial/Marker Cleaning

Casey BeforeCasey After
E. Pond BeforeE. Pond After
M. Pond BeforeM. Pond After